FLL - Weather Stormers are a 2008 FIRST LEGO League team for the Climate Connections challenge.

Poem for FLL 2008

Twas the night before the tournament ...

Polar Game

a game based on the FLL Climate Connections theme

Curved Breakwater

innovative solution for beach erosion

Landroids from New Jersey

contact another FLL team and find out about their research project.

Beach Erosion Around the World

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how are other locations trying to stop beach erosion?

Weather and the Coburg Peninsula

how the weather effected the Coburg Peninsula in January 2008

Esquimalt Lagoon

- description of the lagoon and natural featuers

Climate Connections

- theme for the 2008 FIRST LEGO League challenge

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries in the FLL - Weather Stormers category.

FLL - Power Stormers is the previous category.

FTC - 3491 FIX IT is the next category.

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